Friday, March 6, 2009

What weapons were used in the First Crusade

The First Crusade was said to be an unorganised battle where weapons were minor in number. It was said that a lot of people were unarmed and lacked any control or discipline. However there were three major types of siege weapons that were used in The First Crusade. They were the ballista, which was the simplest and was a medium range catapult which looked much like a crossbow and shot arrows up to 350 to 450 yards. The second was trebuchet, this was the most the most powerful siege weapon and flung rocks at a long range. The third was the battering ram and was made from the trunk of a large tree. Until logs were brought into Jerusalem, siege machines were almost impossible to build. But when logs arrived, two siege machines were built in order to attack Jerusalem. Then ladders were used to get over the walls of Jerusalem City, but sometimes knights defending the city would push over the ladders or tip hot liquids over those climbing up the ladders. Also knights used equipment such as swords and shields.


  1. Thanks so much, this really helped me with my assignment.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What role did the Turks play in initiating the First Crusade; was it inevitable or their behavior towards Christians that started it all.
